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Proving Grounds


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


One man can become an army.

These proving grounds will improve the attacking strength of any unit trained in the province. An army is more than a collection of individuals, no matter how personally brave they may be. It needs discipline, good order and confidence in its tactics and commanders if it is to work to full effect. This includes an understanding of exactly how its weapons are best used in action. When a unit fights as one, not as a mob, using its weapons properly, its strength is magnified and fully utilised. Every soldier needs to understand and trust in the weapons he carries. This is why drill has always been an important part of training. A soldier becomes completely familiar with what he is supposed to be doing, without even the need for conscious thought. He also comes to grasp the full potential of the weapons he has been given by his commanders. Practice does pay off in combat: men trained to fight together will always be better than a mass of individuals each seeking their own petty glory.