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Hunting Lodge


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


A wise tiger is wary of a rabbit with a bow.

Hunting teaches men to fire accurately and quickly against swift-moving targets. To miss is to go hungry or be eaten by something inedible! Therefore, a hunting lodge improves the firing accuracy of missile-armed troops recruited in this province. Archery has always been about food as well as warfare. An arrow does care whether it strikes a deer or a man. Shooting and stalking skills honed in providing food always transfer to a martial context. The hunter who misses with his first shot usually never gets the chance to take a second one. Despite their poetic names, the narrow willow-leaf, willow-leaf and dragon's tongue were all lethally sharp arrow heads designed to kill the target by causing massive bleeding. Anything hit by one of these would soon bleed to death. On the other hand, archers used the blunt, turnip-shaped whistling signal arrows against their targets when dog hunting. This, presumably, allowed them to make it more of a "sport" as each dog would require several hits before it was disabled or killed.