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Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


There must be a first step in every march.

All armies need to have somewhere for new recruits to gather and do at least a little training. An encampment can be as simple as a line of tents or have the air of a semi-permanent military town, but it has one purpose: to turn undisciplined and scared civilians into something resembling soldiers. Having one makes it easier and cheaper to recruit units, and to send casualty replacements where they are needed. Encampments have always allowed commanders to keep their men where they can be watched. Given half a chance, civilians will do their best to separate young men from their money with drink, women and gambling. All of these can cause trouble in the military, particularly as soldiers are often happy to indulge in such pleasurable alternatives to drill and training. Encampments have to be well organised, otherwise illness could sweep through them, and this gives a practical reason for learning the disciplines of a soldierly life. A man who has dug latrines for a few hundred of his comrades is likely to see battle as a pleasant alternative!