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Jujutsu Hall


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


Let an enemy fight himself.

A jujutsu hall is a training dojo that teaches traditional hand-to-hand combat techniques to recruits, improving their fighting abilities in melee. Jujutsu was developed by the samurai as a method of self-defence without weapons when facing an armed and probably armoured enemy. It was a set of techniques that evolved to use an opponent's own weight and movements against them. Like most practical forms of infighting taught to soldiers, jujutsu was not about obeying the rules or being "fair" as is the case in modern martial arts. It was an "art" about killing or disabling an attacker quickly and with whatever was to hand: gouging and even biting an enemy were taught and used. As a way of fighting, it was exactly what you would expect of a system developed by samurai: effective, and deadly.