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Firing Range


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


"Squeeze the trigger! You great foolish lump! Squeeze!"

A firing range gives every recruit and soldier a chance to practice with their firearms, under the disapproving eyes of their drill sergeants. This mild "baptism of fire" improves unit accuracy. Marksmanship was a completely wasted skill when infantry carried smoothbore muskets. An average infantryman was lucky to hit a target more than a few paces away. Industrialisation in the 19th Century made it possible to make rifled weapons at a low cost, and give one to every soldier in an army. All of a sudden, skill-at-arms, and in particularly paced, accurate firing, became a practical proposition. A trained man with a rifle could, with practice, reliably hit a man-sized target hundreds of yards away. The key requirement was practice, but a unit which had been properly trained, or had been blooded in action, could make any advancing foe pay dearly for every yard gained.