Tadakatsu's Tetsubo Warriors

Samurai_Inf_Tetsubo_Hero Image

Basic Unit Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)

Recruitment Cost 1100
Upkeep Cost 200
Melee Attack 30 85%
Charge Bonus 20 40%
Bonus vs Cavalry 0 0%
Melee Defence 7 20%
Armour 10 66%
Morale 40 80%

Strengths & Weaknesses


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As strong as Oni, these mighty warriors carry the tetsubo or war club.

Only a truly fearsome warrior has the bravery and skill required to carry a tetsubo into battle. These large metal studded clubs are incredibly heavy and unwieldy, leaving their warrior open to quick attacks from faster foes and missile attacks. However, when these mighty clubs are brought to bear in melee combat they deal a devastating blow and no amount of armour will protect a victim from the bone-shattering impact! The use of a tetsubo required immense upper body strength. It is hardly surprising that it was the weapon of choice for the fearsome oni, the vicious and powerful demons of Japanese myth. These incredibly strong mythical beasts gave rise to a number of Japanese sayings related to strength including, "like giving a kanabo to an oni" which means to give the advantage to one who already has it. A north-easterly direction is known as kimon in Japan or "the gate through which the oni passes." It is viewed as the birth place of bad luck and evil spirits, and even now no Japanese railway station, for example, would have an entrance from that direction. During the spring festival of Setsubun families throw soybeans outside their homes to ward off the oni and bring in good luck for the coming year.