Foot Samurai

Genpei_Inf_Samurai_Infantry Image

Basic Unit Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)

Recruitment Cost 700
Upkeep Cost 150
Melee Attack 14 40%
Charge Bonus 6 12%
Bonus vs Cavalry 0 0%
Range 150 23%
Accuracy 60 60%
Reloading Skill 60 60%
Ammunition 25 31%
Melee Defence 6 17%
Armour 6 40%
Morale 8 16%

Strengths & Weaknesses


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Samurai infantry well able to fight in melee and with the bow, making them superb all-purpose warriors.

To be a samurai was, originally, to be a mounted warrior with bow and spear; mastery of the sword and fighting on foot were later developments. However, once adopted, these new ways were treated with equal sincerity and dedication. Samurai infantry are master archers, capable of hitting targets at impressively long ranges, and also quite capable of defeating enemies in close combat. However, the numerically small size of the unit does make them vulnerable to being overwhelmed by numerous lesser enemies. A wise commander also makes sure they are carefully handled when cavalry threaten. War, the skills of war, and the spirits went hand in hand in Japan. According to the "Azuma Kagami", a written account of the Gempei War, Minamoto Yoritomo's first action when summoned to war was to put on ceremonial robes, and bow towards the Iwashimizu Hachiman shrine. By doing this, the Minamoto Shogun placed the destiny of his family in the hands of Hachiman, the kami of war and the Minamoto's tutelary spirit. To make sure Hachiman continued to favour his clan, Yoritomo had a Shinto priest and a samurai "deeply versed in Shinto ritual" offer prayers on his behalf.