Naginata Warrior Monk Cavalry

Ashigaru_Cav_Naginata_Warrior_Monk_Cavalry Image

Basic Unit Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)

Recruitment Cost 800
Upkeep Cost 250
Melee Attack 12 34%
Charge Bonus 12 24%
Bonus vs Cavalry 7 23%
Melee Defence 7 20%
Armour 2 13%
Morale 15 30%

Strengths & Weaknesses


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Fear and faith are powerful weapons.

Each of these warrior monks is armed with a naginata, a polearm that is very effective against cavalry. Thanks to being mounted themselves, these monks are a formidable force in close combat, especially against other cavalry. They can be used to counter enemy cavalrymen, relieving other, slower units in the process. Naginata warrior monk cavalry are not quite as effective against infantry units, but are still a terrifying sight. Their faith sustains them in battle, giving them high morale and a fearsome reputation. The naginata was a polearm that looked like a sword-bladed short spear. It was used much like a sword, but with a far longer reach. It could be used to slash or block, both on foot and mounted. In the hands of a master, and most monks were masters in this traditional weapon, it was deadly indeed, and a blow was quite capable of cutting a man in two. The Ikko-Ikki also adopted this weapon for its fearsome appearance, and it was also considered a suitable weapon for a lady. Many samurai women used it for home defence when their menfolk were away at war.