Gatling Guns
The Gatling gun is an early type of machine gun that works by the cranking of a handle that rotates multiple barrels, loads and then fires in the same moment. It was the first ever reliable continuous fire weapon, and devastatingly effective. It can be acquired (and its crew recruited) and fired in the same way as other artillery pieces, but can also be controlled by you directly from a first person point of view – at the cost of your control of other units of course! Gatling guns have a very high rate of fire, are highly accurate, can cause great damage. Its crew have a high morale but will be slaughtered if forced into melee.
Third Person Mode
You can go in to third person mode at any time by pressing the H key. This allows you to control any artillery piece, including the Gatling gun and tower defences, with greater accuracy. This does come at the cost of controlling the rest of your army, so unless used carefully you can as easily lose a battle as win it.