Campaign Map Play

Campaign Map Play

The campaign map is a turn-based environment, so actions can be completed in any order, and you are entirely free in what you choose to do - construction, recruitment, diplomacy, missions, clan management, subterfuge, battles - sometimes even choosing to do nothing if you want your treasury to accumulate funds! When you are ready to proceed, press the end turn button. The AI-controlled clans will then perform their own turns; their mons will scroll across the screen, and you can observe the movement of their campaign pieces. Whilst this is happening the user interface will become inactive. Control will be returned to you when the process is complete. You may then take your next turn.

Selecting a Clan

Each campaign begins following the selection of a clan. Each one has a unique start position and different strategic advantages.

Quick Save/Load

You can save your game at any point by pressing Ctrl + S on your keyboard. Saves will be labelled as "Quick Save". To instantly load the last save simply press Ctrl + L on your keyboard.