Mastery of the Arts
In Shogun 2 and Rise of the Samurai this panel enables selection of the arts that, when mastered, may give you a technological or cultural advantage over your rivals. To begin, simply select the item you wish to master. Mouse over an art for a short description, details of effects, and the length of time needed to master it. Longer descriptions for each of the arts can be found here. The selection of certain retainers, mission or dilemma rewards, certain character skills, and philosophical tradition province speciality buildings, high-level religious buildings and high-level castles enable you to decrease the time needed to master arts. In this title it is only possible to master one art at a time. If you change your mind after starting work on the mastery of an art your progress will be saved so you don't have to begin again when you go back to it later.

Clan Development
In Fall of the Samurai this panel enables selection of the technologies that, when researched, will give you an advantage over your rivals. To begin, simply select the item you wish to research. There are no buildings required in order to do this, although there are some buildings that require certain technology before they can be constructed. Mouse over a technology for a short description, details of effects and the length of time needed to research it. Notice that clan development levels are displayed here on the left-hand side of the panel.
Click here to view a video tutorial about this subject.
Research Goals
Setting a research goal is a useful feature whereby you specify a technology you wish to acquire and the game will then highlight any pre-requisite technologies, selecting the shortest route and researching them one at a time until your goal has been reached. If a goal has not been selected the game will research technology of a similar type, gradually moving up the tree until it has been completed.

In Fall of the Samurai both the Shogun and the Emperor have embraced the need to keep pace with the rest of the world. Certain modern buildings and technologies are factors that contribute to modernisation. Modernisation causes unrest amongst traditionalists and may lead to samurai rebellions. This may be countered by increasing local happiness or repression with certain buildings, technologies and characters. You must always ensure that development occurs in tandem with modernisation.
Click here to view a video tutorial about this subject.

Clan Development Levels
In Fall of the Samurai as modernisation occurs levels of clan development will be unlocked, giving access to the next tier of technology. It is not possible to research new technology if sufficient modernisation has not taken place. Your clan development level is indicated on the campaign map, directly to the left of the radar map in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Mouse over a development level icon to see the clan effects it brings. Left-click on one to access the relevant tier of the technology tree. Notice that the clan development levels are displayed there down the left-hand side of the panel.
Ship Upgrades
In Fall of the Samurai advances in technology can provide useful upgrades for your ships. All ships are constructed from wood as standard; research of the appropriate technology will mean they are automatically clad in copper or iron for improved speed and armour.