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Imperial Roads


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


Only the last step completes a journey.

These magnificent roads and their watchtowers significantly improve the movement of armies and agents, economic growth in a province and the replenishment rate for units at the front. Guard stations monitor every traveller, so that the chances of detecting unwelcome enemy agents are greatly increased. As long as the right paperwork exists, travellers can make excellent time. A wrong or falsified internal passport, however, can mean death! The very best medieval Japanese roads were the five great routes created by Tokugawa Ieyasu, radiating out from Edo, long after the end of the Gempei War. They were entirely military in origin: to make sure he could get armies anywhere, quickly. While this was a sensible way of controlling the country, it had the added benefit of improving internal trade. The roads were so sensibly surveyed that the same routes are still in use today.