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Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


Where one foot has trodden, another may follow with certainty.

Roads improve the movement extent of armies and agents in a province. Everything moves faster thanks to roads actually having a surface, not being a dusty track or muddy stream depending on the weather. Improved transport links also help the replenishment rate for army casualties. All comings and goings are carefully watched, of course, by officials and paid informers, meaning that line of sight is also better along roads. While roads improve the ability of people to move around this was not always what the great families wanted. It was one thing to be able to move an army swiftly, but quite another to have peasants be able to move around freely. Land without workers was, and is, entirely worthless. It generates no taxable income. If the peasants could simply leave, they might just do so! Traders, being people who did not work the land, were free to use them, because they were considered to be worth less than useful, hard working peasants.