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Dry Field Agriculture



Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


Lands flourish when they are ordered.

The division of a village's lands into fields means that crops can be sensibly managed over the course of the year, and land sensibly used to good purpose. Life as a peasant remains hard, because in a world without machinery all labour is backbreaking and monotonous. There is, however, the satisfaction of a slightly fuller belly in most years, and a slightly more varied diet. Dry fields crops include soybeans and other crops depending on the climate. This might only seem like a small improvement in farming methods, but the steady accumulation of such changes makes a huge difference to the lives of ordinary people, the amount of food available, and to the general economic activity of an area. The more food there is, the more time there is for skilled craftsmen to ply their trades.