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Merchant Guild


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)

Clan Effects


Wealth buys comfort, but will it buy peace?

A merchants' guild adds to the amount of wealth in a province. By forming a guild, the merchants gain control of trade with other provinces, and have a cosy cartel that fills their purses at the expense of others. This wealth can then be taxed by its overlords. After all, it is fair that the merchants, with so much to protect, should end up paying a substantial amount for their safety. Guilds were often granted trade concessions in return for knowing their place in the scheme of things, and paying their taxes promptly. While merchants could become extremely rich, socially they were regarded as being lower than humble peasants: they did not labour honestly in the fields to feed people, but somehow made money in unnamed, but undoubtedly unsavoury, ways. It was, of course, completely beneath any warrior to actually work for a living, so merchants and other townsfolk remained an unfortunate necessity.