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Clan Effects


If law fails all else burns.

A mandokoro gives the owning family more influence, and a better tax effect. Law and order are important in any stratified and authoritarian society. Everyone has to know their place in the system, and the penalties for transgression. It is a practical solution to the problem of having many people live in a relatively small space, if not very attractive to those at the bottom of the social heap. In this, Japan was no different to many other parts of the world in the medieval period. "Social mobility" or moving from one social class to another was almost completely unknown. A man would be born, live and die a samurai, peasant or townsman. He could fall into poverty as a samurai and be unable to earn a living because it was socially beneath him, or rise to tremendous riches as a townsman, and remain lower in the social pecking order than the humblest peasant. The law, however, existed to protect those who behaved themselves and stayed within the bounds of acceptability.