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Bushi Training Grounds


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


A man fights; a warrior goes to battle.

Bushi training grounds allow the recruitment of basic sword- and bow-armed troops. The way of the warrior, later called bushido, lay at the heart of everything that a samurai could be, or hoped to become. While a samurai was expected to be a master of sword and bow, there was a moral element to his training as well, a core set of ethics that guided his life in every waking minute. More than just a code of chivalry or a set of martial arts for using weapons with surpassing skill, bushido was a guide to living and dying with honour. It was the "dying" part that made bushido different from many other warrior systems: death had no bearing on whether a course of action could be considered failure. The only failure was not to carry through an action when it was the right thing to do as a warrior.