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Legendary Dojo



Spawned Garrisons

Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)

Clan Effects


The sword is the soul of the samurai.

A legendary dojo is the home of the samurai tradition of service and duty. It enables the recruitment of better, more experienced units and agents of the traditional kind. For many samurai, a new Japan represented a terrible, cruel challenge. By training and tradition they were entirely unsuited to earning a living in trade or, worse still, manual labour. Centuries of peace had not changed their essential nature as warriors, first, foremost, and exclusively. Even with nearly 250 years of peace, their training had not altered much; they were expected to have the accomplishments of gentlemen, and to fight. This was why so many stuck to the ways they had learned in the dojo, and why so many rebelled against the future.