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Shinsengumi Headquarters


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


Sometimes the wolf at the door is within.

Given the dangerous nature of the men of the shinsengumi, their headquarters unsurprisingly increases repression. Unsurprisingly, the quality of shinsengumi agents recruited here is improved. The shinsengumi, the "newly chosen squad" were a police force recruited by the Shogunate to keep order in Edo. "Recruited" in this context is a slightly formal term for what was, in fact, the recognition that a group of former ronin were keeping their own brand of order on the streets while professing loyalty to the Tokugawa Shogunate. They did not treat people with different loyalties with any great respect or courtesy. They also acted as little better than some of the armed groups of "loyalists" (to various causes and ideas) they claimed to being keeping in order. However, they were effective at making sure the Shogun's rivals did not have chance to say very much!