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Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)


The shipwright who commands the waves can build wonders.

A drydock is an important naval support facility. It allows complicated shipbuilding projects to be undertaken, and the associated port allows for a very substantial amount of trade. Because of its value, it is well provided with coastal defences. A drydock is actually quite a substantial investment for any naval power. For shipbuilding purposes, a vessel can be constructed and then the dock flooded, allowing the vessel to be towed out. Ships for repair can be floated in at high tide through lock gates; the pond is then pumped dry while the ships are propped up on supports. The main drawback of a drydock is the initial cost and its capacity. In effect, it becomes the limiting factor on the size of new ships. Parsimonious politicians are very rarely willing to pay for a ship that will not fit into a dry dock, and even less willing to keep paying for bigger and bigger docks!