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Trading Port



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Fortunes flow with the tides.

A trading port is a specialised harbour and support buildings that allow merchants free access to the seaways. While shipbuilding can happen here, the concentration of effort is on commerce, both in terms of overseas trade and in helping the province develop. Japan had been a closed society to outsiders for many decades, but that is not to say that the Japanese were ignorant about the outside world. The truth was very different. After 1633 Japanese traders had been forbidden to go abroad, and foreigners had been confined to Nagasaki, but foreign books and the ideas they contained were still circulated. The Japanese kept up with European scientific, political and military developments through Dutch booksellers, and this contributed to their realistic appraisal of what opening up trade with the West might mean. A clear understanding of what had been happening overseas helped the Japanese to leap from the late medieval world to a modern one in less than 50 years.