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Yakuza Office


Basic Building Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers)

Clan Effects


Men of chivalry do much for the people.

A yakuza office may not be an entirely legal business, but it is a business and it does improve the commercial activity in a province. The protection extended by the yakuza also improves the happiness of the local people, and improves the quality of geisha recruited in the same province. Only one yakuza office can be built. The yakuza can trace their origins back to two groups: peddlers and gamblers. Nobles and samurai were at the top of the social hierarchy. Oddly, townsfolk of all kinds ranked below "honest" peasants, and itinerant traders were considered even lower. They were forced to gang together to protect themselves during markets. Gamblers were similarly considered of very low status, but they had access to money, and often acted as loan sharks and informal financiers. The yakuza, then, were united in the face of social scorn, but behaved with considerable decorum towards each other. Even today, and unlike many organised criminals, they rarely attack people outside "the life".